Getting To Know The Real You

You won’t answer the question so I know it is not you. It is one of your nosey representatives trying to get one over on me by pretending to be you. What an asshole. Look, relationships are simply built on trust. If someone trusts you they open up. F- with or ruin the trust by concealing your identity or pretending to be someone you are not and you will sabatoge any connection from the beginning. You have to protect new relationships from everyones opinions, they are like seedlings and need time to grow strong. You are doing a disservice to yourself by letting everyone interfere and ruin something beautiful. I like you but if you sincerely want to get to know me great, but don’t try to be slick and get others to do the dirty work for you. Cause I also have other options who know how to treat me right from go. Capiche?

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