Greedy, self involved ungrateful fraud of a friend

I helped a girl who I thought was my friend doing something I’d never done before but she was an intense, emotional pain and none of her doctors would help her, so I did for over 3 months. I always said I’d help her when I was able as I’m on the same pills also to breathe.

I gave her what I could spare one day and she seemingly understood and cried supposed being touched as usual and saying thank you. Crocodile tears unlike before because she became so used to me being selfless and her being an ungrateful, greedy bitch.

The day after I gave her some to which she said she could never repay me but would help in a heartbeat if I was ever in need, she asked for more when she knew I only had a few spares. She acted as if she deserved them and was more self involved than usual.

She often only will talk about herself or talk for when she’s going to want something and benefit. figured it was mostly because of the intense hell she’s going through, but I knew better. So I called her out on how self involved she can be as if she’s the only person with problems and pain. Hers are fake compare to us lifers but she’s part of regular society despite being an arrogant, fraudulent, self entitled snob.

It was just a comment and she went batshit crazy because she’s emotionally unstable when she doesn’t get her way and beyond defensive.I know she knows this being why she lashed out so crazily.

She proudly said you’re blocked forever. What an ungrateful, thin skinned, fake bitch! Virtually any criticism or argument of any kind and she’s beyond overwhelmed and overreacts and calls me crazy for merely trying to keep up with all the insults. It’s always I’m calling the cops and through text mind you as she’s a hider not a talker. most women are these days sadly.

Before she happily blocked me because she cannot handle criticism of any kind as it clearly struck a nerve, she called me psychotic because I have mental disorders and don’t deserve to live because I do not have kids and other insane, immature stuff for a woman in her 40s. I have short term memory disorder bug sue called me a lunatic with dementia. Overdoing things or just not that bright? When it comes to conversation and anything relating to mental health, she’s an idiot.

Still I knew she went over the top because she was butt hurt. Completely asinine and ridiculous yet I am the crazy one for pointing out she only cares about herself when it involves me. I was defense when I didn’t need to be and helped her because she was what I thought mostly a sweet, ,anxious, emotional mess so I often let things go saying it was what she was going through.

She has bad disorders too and more than she lets on but she’s able to function better except she cannot communicate like a human being like I can. I usually don’t care because she’s highly dramatic, emotional and going through stuff she’s not used to. It’s normal and we try and survive but for her she’s new to feeling like this in quite this way. Although, she hasn’t left the house and had no friends for a decade despite being a knockout because of her anxiety and last issues with men.

I believe she hates all men but will gladly use them when she seems legit at times. Sometimes she was but always in the back of my mind I knew she’ll say anything as long as I help her.
When you know the main reason you’re around her is you help her because she’s a disaster, you know you should’ve stopped long ago. She was like kryptonite like when I was dumb and in my 20s. It happens.

Yet despite wanting to kill or gladly watch her fall apart which I doubt will happen since I helped her for months when I didn’t need to, she will go on like nothing happened. I’m sure she’ll be fine make new friends and forget what I did for her. Few would but it is what it is. Without me she’d likely be in a mental hospital full time or dead.

Ungrateful bimbo blonde!!’ I’d put a curse on her but she’s not worth it. Of course, I don’t really fully believe in that stuff either, but oh she’s so worthy. I want her to feel real pain like I hav for decades, but I do not have fits about life being unfair. I know I’m expendable seen as an outcast weirdo only because I’m a bachelor with problems.

I endure and know what I am but because she has thin skin and everybody conforms to her wishes, I am the crazy loser. Bloody nutbag. Spoiled, fake brat. Wish she was dead. I’m contemplating suicide as I have SAD this time of year and I want to explode , or is it me being weak because I helped a sociopath when I knew what she was?

Just disgusted and sick of fake people. Hate myself almost as much. Maybe more as it depends on the minute. That’s my fault for helping her but she is a real piece of work and sheer detritus. Love to see her bleed or hear about it but I also still like her… beyond hopeless. I can’t wait to see what happens next…sigh.

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i became uninhibited