I agreed to be tattooed with his name

I’m 31 and I have been in a part time platonic relationship with a very senior member of the company I work for. At one luncheon he sat beside me and quizzed me to death. I was so embarrassed and hid my face. He stopped me in the hall after the luncheon and told me to look at him. Look into his eyes. He looked into mine and my legs trembled and I almost fell. He took me to my office and sat me down and asked me what my problem was. How could I tell him that I’m in love with him? I don’t even know him, just from sight and I have to attend meetings with my boss.

The long and short of it is that he took me out on Saturday night and took me to a tattoo parlor and told me he wanted me tattooed. The tattoo he put on me is his initials, all caps, on my breast and his initials, all caps, on my rump. Every time I bathe, get dressed, I see his initials on me. I can’t wear low cut shirts or bras, or bikini bottoms, unless I want to expose his initials on me.

We don’t so much as go out on dates. It is more just going out. When we go out he wants me to wear a blouse and bra that clearly shows his initials. I asked him to tattoo himself with my initials and he is considering it. Right now he is thinking of getting the tattoo on the inside of his wrist where he wears his watch. I don’t mention the other things, the overnights, the gifts, the trips. But those happen too.

He is 52 and I am 31. He is one year older than my father. My family has seen the tattoos and they know who JPH is. They do not approve of out of town trips or overnight stays with him. As you can guess they have one word for that behavior, whoring myself. Bottom line is that I’m in a relationship at work with a much older man, senior executive, and I am so in love with him that having him tattoo me was fine with me. I want him to get tattooed, but so far he hasn’t done it. There is no ring at the end of this rainbow. I’m not foolish enough to believe that is part of this relationship.

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I wrote Fanfiction in school, and got paid for it

We were both very young when we got pregnant