I am 17 dating a 14 year old. I turn 18 in September.

To clarify: I am NOT attracted to children in any way, shape, or form.

I’m only dating this kid because I’m extremely afraid they’re going to kill themselves otherwise. We have known eachother for years ever since I was in middle school and they are borderline obsessed to the point where they admitted they couldn’t live without me. They have ignored all of the blunt friendzoning and “I’m not interested” texts, and they are extremely unstable when it comes to me. I had made it extremely clear that any attempts at sex WILL end with an immediate shutdown and breakup, but I still feel so gross inside for agreeing to date a 14 year old. All I want is the best for them, but this thing is breaching a territory I’m not at all comfortable with, and I feel like trying to back out now would lead to something I’d regret for the rest of my life. I wish we could’ve just remained friends.

I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do. It’s either I end up on a registry or I end up being responsible for another’s death.

What do you think?

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I Caught My Clit In The Loop

I’m a woman in love with my son’s wife