I Came Across This Site While Researching

I came across this site while researching. There are a few fascinating confessions. I’m an 18 yr old female college student studying psychology and pre-med.

It was delightful to read the boy’s confession who was circumcised. (Mother Had My Problem Fixed) It must have been so frustrating and infuriating to be on full display while everyone examined his cock and took pics with their phones. There it was, his erect cock standing up, impaled on a catheter and his bare balls hanging out with even his classmate, the neighbor girl, there to see it and examine it. Such humiliation he had to endure. How totally devastated he must have felt. She’ll keep those pics and video forever. The loss of privacy and the loss of power can teach a boy his real place in the world. A public circumcision can be a very good event. Especially for disobedient boys like Tugger who won’t stop abusing their cock.

As the straps held him immobilize he realized how helpless he was. He couldn’t do a thing to protect his precious cock and balls. His cock and balls now clearly belonged to his mother. It impressed upon his disobedient mind that she owned those balls and his cock. He was under the complete control and domination of his mother and the others in the room. Finally he learned his place.

Making Tugger write in a journal about his experience was an astute move which provided an insight to his thinking and how to modify his behavior. To cement her authority over him, his mother made him write a Thank You card to each attendee. That taught Tugger ‘good manners’ while adding to his humiliation. How embarrassing it must have been for him to hand write ‘Thank You’ for circumcising me. He had to write it again and again until he thanked each person who was there and helped clip and snip his cock. That showed his complete defeat and his submission to his mother as well as his deference to all those who were there. Even those could not attend were shown the pics and video, to further humble Tugger.

To assure his masturbation problem was eliminated his mother had him put on medication to prevent Tugger from having any erections. She paraded her triumph by having Tugger take his pants down to display his circumcision and his Limp Noodle to her friends. That further secured her authority over his cock and balls.

She celebrated her victory by having a yearly party on the date of his circumcision. That way Tugger gets to appreciate the experience every year so he doesn’t forget. It is instilled in him. It must be fascinating to listen to Tugger recall the event, display his Limp Noodle to everyone, answer questions, chat about his circumcision and thank them once again.

His mother utilized all the correct steps in behavior modification to stop his addictive masturbation and disobedience. I wonder if she had help in planning her strategy. It certainly turned Tugger around. He now admits that he was wrong and his life is happier since his Mother took charge of him and circumcised him. His behavior is now obedient, compliant and respectful to his mother and sisters. What a relief that must be for them.

Even Tugger confirms that his mother is brilliant. She brilliantly eliminated his ‘toy’, humiliated him to eradicate his arrogance, demonstrated her unquestionable authority and disciplined him while helping students improve their circumcision skills. He even says that mother knows best!

What a polite, courteous and well mannered boy he has become as he even thanks us for reading his confession.

I wish I could read his journals. The journals show his journey from uncontrolled brat to obedient, respectful and compliant boy. Much of that was accomplished all in one day, when he was strapped in restraints, examined, videoed and circumcised. Having the neighbor girl, his classmate, attend was excellent. The follow-up steps by his mother were indeed inspired. Such as the journal writing to keep tabs on him, the Thank You cards to humble him, eliminating his erections, making him display his circumcision and Limp Noodle, and then celebrating it all at a yearly party.

The key was that his mother took charge of him and enforced her will with discipline. Too many boys lack discipline and this leads to problem behavior and crime. I hope all mothers will circumcise their boys and have firm control over them. I am all for discipline and for circumcision. All boys should be circumcised and it should be mandatory. Be Wise and Circumcise.

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