I hate myself

I don’t have one thing I like about myself. My hair is hard to manage and isn’t soft to the touch, my body is hairy all over and I’m fat. I have a big nose a bushy eyebrow. My voice is disgusting, I’m too tall, I’m mean- I have a terrible personality. everything about myself is ugly, inside and out. IS IT SO HARD TO WANT TO BE PRETTY? I don’t care if I’d be used for my body- hell, I’d cry tears of joy if someone only dated me because i was pretty. People only date me now because they are desperate for love. They don’t love me. I don’t love them… I just want to be thrown around. At least I’ll be pretty.


What do you think?

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  1. You’re not ugly in any way. You’re human, and humans have flaws, but they also have good qualities. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there. For example, I can tell that you’re a humble and wise person for being able to admit your faults.

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