I hate Slavs

These lowlifes are literally the pajeets of Europe! Also a cargo cult of retards who seethe about the West yet secretly worship and wanna be it. They spew all this patriotic horseshit yet live anywhere BUT the retarded commie bloc shithole they claim to love. Sure, I dont support retarded wars and dont insist people die in them HOWEVER, THEY are the ones who wrote that cheque; about “muh dying for Russia/Ukraine etc” (fuck em both!) All Im saying is BE ABOUT IT; DONT TALK ABOUT IT!

I see their whores online talking like they’re Florence catfucking Nightingale about this stupid shit yet were probably on the first plane outta their “beloved” country. I see this shit all the time; retards who ran away to Europe only to start shit with people that did nothing to them; like a bunch of bitch ass punks. Slavs are pure sleaze, crime and filth; just like Indians. That and they are also everywhere. I throw the Poles in here too because EVERY Slavic country is a land of cheap whores, alcohol and shittalkers with a pricetag on their ass. Your typical Ivan will talk shit until you hand him a wad of cash and then, he praises you.

Slavic women are also trash – what the fuck does the average Westoid see in them?! Their lack of any curves, tits or ass; their materialism and narcissism; treating guys like beast of burden and walking ATMs. Oh yeah, guess when the KGB infiltrated the West while the Politburo was spreading this retarded myth to keep their roach demographic alive.

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What will you do when the government finally admits

A Day of Hate for Slavs TOO!