I just wanted his home to look nicer

I dated Charlie for 4 years. He has a very nice house but his yard sucks. He keeps it mowed, edged and weeded but nothing else. I bought a couple bags of fertilizer and used his spreader and went over his whole yard while he was at work. After a few goor rains his grass was a nice darker green. I told him what I did, he said “thanks, now instead of mowing weekly I get to mow twice a week and I work too much to do that.” I let him know I wanted to plant some nice bushes and do some landscaping, he said to leave his yard alone. I let him know I didn’t like his yard so plain. He said “go buy a house and work on your own yard” I live in an apartment. We had word over his smart ass attitude and I told him his laziness around his home will be a dealbreaker with us if he wasn’t careful. He told me he didn’t remember us making a deal. Where does that leave me? Should I break things off with him and move on or just live my life in limbo? He’s 54, I’m 52 and I thought we had a future together. I know neither of us are seeing anyone else.

What do you think?

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