I just wish Katara was more appreciated

I hate how there is absolutely no consent in the ship Kataang. We didn’t see the change of feelings in Katara, I didn’t even know if she liked him back that way. There was only one time we see her consider Aang as a potential interest, it was with the fortune she-bangs.

Throughout the series, Katara never yielded to change the sexism she had experienced. And you tell me, she willingly given up a chance to change the world to become the Avatar’s stay-at-home trophy wife? Girl didn’t even got a statue made for her!! I bet the those two didn’t want Zuko making a statue of her because they’re too bitter to admit the deep bond between the two.

She helped Korra? Okay, no one appreciates her enough as it is!! Her potential went from Ambassador of the Southern Water Tribe to Baby-making Machine in just one kiss!!!

I’m not hating on Aang specifically, well maybe with his personality and upbringing and the constant hypocrisy, but he’s…okay. But more on the way they made him to be.

Those two immature adults alienated a part of the fandom because their ship isn’t as loved as the other. Hello, Book 4: Air????

I’ve been in the fandom long enough to know, that those two don’t give a pooh about that part of the fandom, and being active with attacks towards their very own fans.

Have you seen the harassment and death threats?? It just got more toxic since some new fans started coming. They made Katara so unlike her in some stories…Zuko wants her away from him?? That’s too OOC!!!

What do you think?

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I swallowed a razor blade when I was Eight.