I made noodle soup with period blood. It was good.

Pretty much the title. I’m vegan – after becoming vegan I got really into cooking, and researched lots of recipes of different cultures, the weirder the better. A common thing across lots of cultures seems to be blood food – English blood pudding, congealed blood cubes on Vietnamese food, polish czarnina blood soup. It fascinated me. But, not enough to actually go out and buy animal blood – I wouldn’t buy human flesh for instance just to satisfy my curiosity. And I’m not up to robbing a blood bank. So it had to be my own. I’m too much of a pussy to cut myself to get blood, so I took advantage of my producing it every month, and literally sat over a jar for half an hour. It wasn’t glamorous. Then I made noodle soup – apart from blood, it was mushroom broth, soy sauce, kelp granules, raw garlic, shallots, cilantro- you don’t actually need to know the ingredients do you. Anyway. There was actually not a lot of blood, so it didn’t do much, but it was suspiciously red. It tasted pretty good – sure, there was a weird sweetness to it, and the metallic taste you’d expect, but it was way meatier than anything else I’ve had since going vegan, it’s the only time I’ve truly thought that something matched animal products – because it was an animal product. All in all, I recommend it. Probably not something you’d want to announce at dinner parties though.

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