I Saw my Boyfriend Being Spanked By His Father. Part ONE.

I Saw my Boyfriend Being Spanked By His Father. Part ONE.

I’m still shaken and confused by what happened. I was at my boyfriend’s house. His father found out that my boyfriend had a bottle of liquor. His father was furious at his son for having the liquor. He ordered him to go get the leather belt. I was kinda surprised to hear that. My heart skipped a beat. I was stunned to see him bring a black leather belt and present it to his father. I was sort of frozen in place by my surprise and my curiosity to see what was going to happen.

His father ordered him take his pants off and then remove his underwear too. I thought ‘that’s odd’, as I saw my boyfriend’s cock starting to stiffen. His father told him to bend over the end of the sofa and my boyfriend complied. He stepped over to the arm of the sofa with his cock clearly erect and protruding. His father added two pillows on the sofa arm and then my boyfriend bent over them. Then his hands were secured behind him. His balls were dangling and peeking out between his legs.

His father sharply snapped the belt across my boyfriend’s bare bottom and I heard him wince. Then another stroke and another. His father snapped the belt lengthwise and my boyfriend howled. I think it must have hit his ball sac. Then his father returned to the sideways strokes with the leather belt. He demanded to know, “Who’s in charge of this house?” My boyfriend said, “You are in charge sir”.

“What happens to a boy who breaks the rules”, he demanded. My boyfriend said, “Punishment. I get punished sir”. A few more strokes landed on my boyfriend’s red bottom. His cheeks flexed with each swat. I watched the whole thing as if it was in slow motion.

“Did you break the rules boy?” his father demanded. “Yes sir, yes sir”, blubbered my boyfriend as he sobbed out the words, “Yes sir I broke the rules, sir”. The belt was snapped lengthwise again right between his legs, on his dangling balls. My boyfriend screamed and howled. Then he begged, “Oh please Daddy, please I’ll be your good boy. Please Daddy. I’ll be your good boy.”

I was shocked and yet I was fascinated to see his squirming, to watch his balls get snapped by the belt, to hear him crying and pleading. I had never seen anything like this before. It was stunning. It was exciting.

His father asked how many more strokes he needed. My boyfriend answered, “Whatever you say sir.” “How about fifteen?” asked his father. My boyfriend said, “Yes sir, another fifteen sir. Please sir.” His father curled up the leather belt and let it fly against my boyfriend’s bare ass. By now he was crying in convulsive gasps.

I could see the welt marks across his bare bottom. His balls had contracted but were still visible. I enjoyed his suffering. I knew he was suffering but I couldn’t help but to think what a wimp he was. I felt sympathy for him but disdain too. It was fascinating to see him being so totally and completely humiliated. I enjoyed seeing him humiliated and compliant.

His father gave him the full fifteen swats. I found myself counting them. Each swat. I listened to him crying louder from the sting as new welts formed across his red and purple bare bottom. I saw him quivering and crying. I was transfixed and I thought it would never end. I didn’t want it to end. It was too unique. It was enthralling. It was like some movie on TV. My heart was beating faster.

His father told him to stand up. My boyfriend did so. His cock jutted straight up toward the ceiling. It bounced around a bit. I was shocked. I was also kinda angry because he never got that erect for me. His stiff cock bobbled about as his father led him to the center of the room and told him to stand there and think about his disobedience.

The light highlighted his throbbing erection. Worse than that, I saw a large drop of clear liquid oozing from the opening of his cock. I remember I felt angry, surprised and sickened all at once. I wondered how he could be such a sissy and not stand up for himself. The only thing standing up was his cock. I thought he must be a pervert and I felt disgusted. He stood there nude, quivering and shaking with his erection standing up. I felt delighted that he was punished.

His father asked if he was ready to apologize. My boyfriend whimpered, “Yes sir”. Without any further prompting he blabbered forth how sorry he was for breaking the rules, being disobedient, upsetting his father and he promised to be a ‘good boy’. He said, “Thank you sir for my punishment and for disciplining me sir.”

At that moment I saw him as a boy. A whimpering little boy. One who was broken with no manhood. His only ‘manhood’ was still rock hard, pointing at the ceiling and pulsating. It was disgusting.

Then his father told him to apologize to ‘her’ and he pointed at me! He was told to apologize to me! I was taken aback. Stunned. His father turned him to face me and led him a few steps toward me. His cock wobbled as he stepped toward me.

Please See PART TWO

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I Saw my Boyfriend Being Spanked By His Father. Part TWO.

I got my friends gf into sex.