I saw what you’ve been doing as me, we’re ready to play now

Ha ha got you b*tch. I know you’ve been spying on me using my phone when I’m in the shower. Maybe you somehow guessed my code or hacked apple. Doubt the latter. You had it timed. Got you. Hidden cams are lovely contraptions and can be used by just about anyone. Oh the stuff you find out too dollsy. The stuff indeed.

Sneaky though using my own phone to sabotage and start crap dolly. So bloody lovely indeed. What is it with married women? Wtf. You’ve got your lover who obviously likes you, or he wouldn’t keep sleeping with you. So I’m here. I’d rather be with you than fighting the obsessions. It’s all I freaking do.

You have a good arrangement with the guy despite the fact yeah I wanted more. So this cat gets past that or tries to in being with you any way he can by sleeping with you. Sure it’s all we do but hey I figured at least we’re together, right? Wrong.

Let’s spy on his phone. Let’s talk to his exes and look at old emails. Let’s post strange stuff all over the web pretending to be him. You’re practically a cougar babe but oh you are so delish looking for that yummy age, and it is yummy as it’s all I usually care about. Girls are baby carriages, you’re not. However, guess what babe, you’re acting like a girl here.

You’re still with your limp d*ck husband and I’m the entertainment. Fine, I get it. I kept doing it too doll. Sure, I wanted more and I even let you ask. I told you. I always answer questions honestly. Your fault if you don’t believe me.

Spying after we had sex like wtf? Who does that? I see it’s been going on a while too. I’m even putting this here because clearly you’ve been here tons doing god knows what.

So ok. I was a sex addict. Meds helped and thought I had it beat. I did for let’s say a decade? Came back briefly. Another pill took care of it until those lovely freaking meds fried my brain. Fact. Sad fact but bloody damn true facts babe.

Neurologists like a mf too but I bet you didn’t know that or did you see those conversations too? You wonder why I hate and rarely trust doctors and shrinks. That’s gone dolly.

The old me is evidently back here to stay because guess what lover? Meds don’t work on me anymore. Yet despite that, I’m good at fighting those urges and we’re together. We’re only lovers so I can do others and it’s an addiction babe like drugs or alcohol. It’s pure hell dollface it so bloody is.
I see others on here that are. Of course!! What you don’t seem to understand is at first you figure cool got her too. That was easy. Oh, her too? Nice. Next thing you know it’s all you want and it’s pure bloody freaking hell babe. It so bloody is.

These other cats get if because they have it too lover. I’m even talking to my ex sex addiction therapist to combat these urges. They usually work too babe but the bell I suffer. Still, those bodies are always nearby and I get what I need. I’m not winning but I’m 45 now babe, not 22. Things change. Course you’d never know it crazy brain now would ya?

So let’s spy on the guy you claim to love yet stay with your dead end husband. Why? Scared of leaving him or is it I’m scary? Snoopy a*s b**ch ruining a good thing and to make it worse spilling my life everywhere and for what? I bet some of these things on here about a chick hating herself are you. I don’t mean the “spying” ones because they’re obviously you but what else? Bloody a*s hell.

It’s bad enough the crap I go through in attempting to be a normal person. Guess what babe? Never have been. Never will be. What is normal anyway? Boring, that’s what. Normal must be your husband or you wouldn’t be with me. Lord freaking knows.

You’ll love what’s on my cell now besides my hidden cam. If you make one comment, I’ll tell ya dollsy. I always speak the truth. You just gotta ask for it. I’m too old for this crap doll eyes. Too damn bloody old.

I thought I had issues and I got a closet full of them to go with the bodies in the trunk of that car I don’t even drive, but wtf are yours? Or am I, it? I doubt that. I’ve got taste. You’re hot. You’re interesting. You’re just messes up too. Who isn’t? I’ll be finding out more chica, and there better not me any more talking to my exes or any of that trash.

They know how I talk and what I’d never do unless something needed to be filled. An ex is an ex for a reason babe. They my neuroses, my strange way of talking, weird lingo and the like. They also know when I talk vocally as I always prefer over hiding behind screens you girls always do. Yeah wee aware of you’re insecurity, narcissism and his knows what else.

We try to get past it but I can’t lie doll, it’s a weak cop out. You’re generation X like me babe, not generation hopeless. Me and my exes talk or we don’t tan at all. Text? Nah dolly I guess I’m a relic that way. Then again, I’m not detached and feel too much but I like to hear voices much like a woman’s moans. You know that or well you know the latter.

This sh*t has got to end and if you think you knowing all dolly, guess what? You don’t. I’ve always been an open book. I just don’t go around telling people all the crap that I’m made of or I should say have to endure to merely live. What do you do? You betray my trust by spying like a 26 year old girl? Jesus dolly, wtf?

I get that your married. Trapped, although your kids are gone. Guy clearly sucks in bed. What is it? Money? Why stay with the corpse if you’re gonna spy on me after you met me at the apt? Wtf babe! I’ll let you dig your hole deeper like I do with every mf that lies to me, or does something stupid with or to me. I

always know anyways but sneaky with the cell phone spying. Not even in the room to see or hear your crap. Just another chick hiding behind a screen. Sadly, it’s what your sex does best and it bothers me. So unnecessary let alone weak, childish and ignorant. Oh did I mention lazy? Yeah that too.

What a surprise. Amazing. Waiting for the phone time before it locks. Wow dolly. A small interval! I’ll be spending more attention to my iOS and you’re going to find out how I tick more than you already know. Sex addiction I was doing ok. Not great but better than what’s the norm. It’s not fun as it is but it’s a part of me. I endure. Now this?

I don’t drink or drugs, so I guess I’ll be banging. The urges are always there anyway. I’ll be banging more than usual, or am I lying? There’s always a smirk nearby with me and those crazy eyes that drive you dolls nuts. We’re talking decades of it babe. Sure, it’s always around but I was trying. Guess you’ll see soon doll.

What do you think?


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  1. So you’re clearly the guy disgusted with the police. A shame this woman posted stuff from your past in stealing your phone. Lotta winners out there. I hope you find some peace in all of this. I see there are a lot of posts related to this issue of yours and your sex addiction. Much luck.

  2. She’s permanently in a mental hospital. Nervous breakdown: Yet she convinced me to come here despite the twisted bullsh*t she caused. The irony.

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My Secrets

Lies to have a 3way then it went wrong