I’m too sexy

I’m a very sexy man. Look like a movie star. Super hero body. Great dancer. Giant manhood. Can make love for many hours. I used to date a singer. She used my words; how I talk; how I sing; even songs I wrote, in many of her songs. Oh you’ve heard them. One song is about how women react to me. They love me. They love the way I walk. They love the way I talk. They love my “angel” eyes. She reconnected with me early in the pandemic. I ended up in some of her new songs. Oh she’s awesome, but I’ve been looking back on my life. How many women have I had sex with? Over 400? I used to like myself. Thought I was a good person. I helped a lot of people. Even saved some lives. But I don’t like myself anymore. I’m not the man I thought I was. Many women have wanted me. Most settled for a night at best. But now I regret all of that. I don’t think anyone should have ever had to spend a moment with me. I seem to be proof that the Big Guy makes mistakes.

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Hot sister

pal who is really old elizabeth; yes , the second coming