Intoxication leads to bad choices

On My mother’s 49th birthday , I arrived to greet and wish her a happy birthday. She was getting ready to go out with her friends. This was on a Tuesday. The Saturday before we celebrated her birthday. She was under the influence of alcohol and that affected her brain function. When I arrived to her apartment, I hugged and kissed her happy birthday. However her physical reaction was cold and distant. She didn’t recognize me. Her friends did and they greeted me affectionately and introduced the idea into my mom’s head that I was someone else, a man she was currently dating. She became jealous and stopped her friends from hugging and kissing me. She gave them a dirty look, then turned to me and gently hugged me with a soft kiss on the cheek.

Soon after her friends finished getting her dressed and makeup. They left to get ready too and then return to pick her up to go out.

While me and my mother were now alone together in her living room, she turned to me and said how glad and thrilled she was to see me. Me referring to her guy friend. She made direct and indirect moves on me. She held my hand, caressed my face, guides her hand up from my knee to my crotch area. I was paralyzed in fear of where this was going.

She offered me a drink like the one she was drinking. I agreed and she went to serve me one. I ended up having two more. She was very convincing.

With my guard down and hormones raging I gave into her advances. We kissed, she put my hand on her breast, I guided my other hand up her dress, she leaned back on her couch, took one of her heels off and glided it over my face. My flagpole was up and eager to begin.

The hour and a half before her friends came back was an adult film experience. It did affect me for about a year later. I forced myself to bury these memories and thoughts. It worked. Twenty nine years later I recalled the incident

What my mom remembered or went through, I don’t know. She never mentioned or said anything to me about it. Her demeanor was ordinary, nothing odd or weird. Did she forget or tell someone else? She passed sway 25 years ago .

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