Intrusive Thoughts about Long Hair

Whenever I see someone with long hair (male or female) I have a VERY strong urge to cut it all off. The longer the hair, the stronger the urge. This feeling is especially strong if they have their hair in a braid or pony tail.

I’ve never done it. I wouldn’t do that to someone against their will. But yet the strong urge is always there. It’s been there all my life and I feel has become stronger as an adult. It’s to the point where I find it uncomfortable to be near someone with a long braid especially if they have their back to me and I could cut it off without them knowing.

I think it’s a mix of not liking long hair, OCD, and just the sound and feel of cutting that much hair with a good pair of scissors would make. I don’t want to harm anyone with the scissors, I don’t want to keep the hair (gross), I would just let it drop and leave. I also don’t find it sexually stimulating in any way but I feel stressed or anxious when I’m around long hair that I know would be released if I was able to cut it all off in one swoop.

Maybe I should cut hair for a living lol. Probably not a good idea unless everyone wants their hair SUPER short.

Does anyone else have this urge?

What do you think?

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I think I’m bisexual

to bad