is it normal?

when I was a kid I sprayed deodorant on a donut and ate to see if I would get drunk.

but thats besides the point here.

I just wanted to say that I had a very stressful life omg yurl

and I like, think like, that it made me grow less than my peers omg lol
I do not know if I am on mentally retarded or something kappa,, but I have never been diagnosed with anything. The closest I got was a doctor saying that I was a closet homosexual.

However, regardless of this, I can say that even though I started being sexual around maybe 11-12, the thought of other people having sex and relationships didnt really get to me until maybe almost a decade later.

Hold on you might say, “a decade gurl”?

you heard that right boyz

I dont know how to explain it but when you really have no friends and distractions stop working, you are overcome by permanent anxiety and fear. I really didnt have enough energy left to think about realtionshps and sex besides getting stressed out at school and home everyday. (my parents are soooo homophobic ooof)

Also, my interests didnt help much either. I dont think other 15 year olds shipped mario and lugi trans-fixtion and wondered about the mating behavior of wario.

And when I had crush (only had one bigger one), it was only partially about sex. Mostly I just wanted to melt minds with someone else that understood gender issues, preferable a homo. But one day I overheard it talking to its (dont know the pronounds so yeah lol, plox forgives me xoxo) friend on the bus and she sounded so high iq that I lost attraction.

am I weird for maturing late and not thinking about sexual stuff as early as my peers?

yours truly,
mayonaise slurper 360, certified tony cawk pro skater.

What do you think?

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