Is My Wife Having Sex With Her Ex Husband?

My wife is divorced and her ex husband has a visitation rights to see his kid so he comes to see over to visit. I think he visits too often.

I came home the other day to find my wife and her ex coming down from upstairs, where the bedrooms are. My wife was skimpily dressed in her revealing bikini. She often wears it around the house because we have a pool outback and she is in and out of the house to the pool.

However I have asked her to put some clothes on when her ex visits. A revealing skimpy bikini is too tempting. It barely covers anything. She makes excuses and dismisses my concerns. She says it’s nothing that her ex hasn’t seen before. She reminded me that his cock was inside her many times, she got pregnant to him and she had his kid. To rub it in she says he banged her many times before she ever met me and she adds that she sucked his cock too. She seems to be taunting me.

She told me I knew all this before I married her and I need to grow up and stop acting like a jealous little boy. We argued about this and she said there’s nothing she hasn’t done sexually with him before. I told her that because she had sex with him before doesn’t mean she should have sex with him now. She calls me childish, insecure and jealous. She said that her ex needs understanding in these difficult times. It sounds like she is trying excuse having sex with him.

She hasn’t confirmed that they are having sex but I have seen them come downstairs together several times. She adjusts her bikini, what little there is of it. He adjusts his pants. These are hints that they just got dressed after having intercourse together.

She throws out remarks like the sex with her ex husband was always great but they argued too much and she hopes I don’t start to argue too. She means I should just accept what she is doing and not argue. I think she is sucking his cock and letting him bang her. I am concerned that she may get pregnant to him and have another one of his children which I will be stuck raising.

I’d write more about this but this doesn’t seem to be the place to get any advice, there are no comments and maybe there is no interest in this issue.

What do you think?


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  1. i feel sorry for you, you don’t deserve her, you deserve better.
    just let her go, your relationship is so messed up already.
    i hope you find the right person soon.

  2. As always with things like this turn it around. I bet you have an ex that is in a place in her life to be your friend. “What’s wrong baby, it’s nothing I haven’t done with her before” too be honest if you take your ex to dinner and share personal feelings with her it will get in your wife’s head more than you guys having sex. Your wife will assume the sex.
    She’s going to say “it’s for the kids it’s not the same, doesn’t need to be in your house to be a good dad”

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