I have been bending the truth into a circle a lot lately. Rather than just watching TV; ive been trying to get people to work together during the pandemic. I’m a fence setter neutral kind of person. When i do weigh in its always secretly on the side of good.
Statues. If its dedicated to your family or loved ones i get it; orherwise its really just ideolology.

We have terror in middle east blowing up ancient structures. In America we have our own culture terrors. They want to spray paint the WWII & Lincoln memorial. They want to destroy CSA statues. Its very weird. You must realize; the people who emgage in such things view themselves internally as inferior. By destroying something thats important to a lot of people; it makes them feel important. Kind if like the people that break the gate on your fence; scratch your car; crush your mail box. They feel they are not capable of earning something good; so they want to lash out at someone else.

So i have been messing with people on these issues; did it in the past too. In order to understand what its all about.
Middle east: to historians like my self we really need to preserve ancient sites & relics. They link us to the past. They give us a glimpse into the past.
To the people destroying them its against their faith; a way to hurt people they hate; etc.
America reminds me of Great Britain. The Civil War factory owners were mostly English. They controlled politics; papers; militia; cops in the north. They funded Lincoln.

What do you think?

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One time I was masterbating then I heard a jiggle at my door.