Love Spells

Your Puerto Rican friend connected to your best friend and her flying monleys lied to you about me to keep us apart out of jealousy. She has kept her bisexuality a secret for a long time, as well as they fact she had the hots for me for years. So much so, when her place was being renovated in NYC, she rented out a room at my place on the UWS. I was happily engaged at the time and every chance my fiance was not home, she would find some excuse to come talk to me either scantly clad in a towel, lingerie or naked. Although she has a beautiful figure, I always brushed off her advances with polite humor. Truthfully I have never cheated on anyone I have ever been romantically involved with in my life. Having integrity is something I am proud of, esp when I look in the mirror knowing I treat others how I wish for my heart to be treated. Anyway, your friend and her mother are into Santaria. Usually, 98% of the time I am unaffected by such nonsense to be controlled. Except by one type of spellwork which is Love. Everything I am is governed by luniversal ove as a force through my life, it is how we intuitives do the work we do: in service of Love at all times. When your friend found out we met (because it went public) she was beyond jealous, but hid it from you. Afterwards, your friend lied to you to keep us apart and did a love/enchantment spell on me with the intention of hoping I would be enamored with her (which I am not btw) but love spells on me will only amlify the call spiritually to true love. Her witchcraft backfired, and instead of the universe bringing me to her it delivered me to you instead. Which explains the intensity of it all for me esp as an empath. I am living in the old song, “Don’t Leave Me This Way’ by Thelma Houston, resonating in a desire I can do nothing with because you are not here with me, only hoping it disappears. It would be different if she had cast on us both when we were in our twenties, because we were more innocent and our hearts were more open. Time has allowed for a variety of lovers to take away slices of your soul pie that belongs to your one true love, now polluted with the energy of many. The more intimate partners, the more you lose yourself and traces of me within you. Even when true love arrives at your doorstep in a soul package like myself you will not recognize, much less make the effort to embrace me due to all your past relationships poisoning your perception. Although I can sincerely say I tried ..but it is time to let go and move on. A part of me will, on a soul level, always miss the you everyone else got the chance to know. To know someone takes time and it is a luxury neither of us can afford to waist. ❤️

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My “WoW” Job

Love Spells