Manipulating my younger Cousin

Well,I’m not quite sure how to say this,but I’ll try my best to fully describe it.Anyways,I constantly try to manipulate my cousin into doing my bidding,she’s easily manipulated and it’s so fun making her do as I please.She looks at me like I’m her Idol.However,she made a fatal mistake by thinking I genuinely care for her.Now before the perverted Neanderthals say something,I don’t mean “manipulate” in a,”Sweet home Alabama” kind of way,that’s too damn primitive and disgusting.

I think I can turn her into anything I want,perhaps Influence is a better word to describe it.It’s clear to me that what I say and do,she clearly takes that as something to follow or believe.Hmmm,not really good at finishing things like this. I’m definitely going to try and influence her to not be a mindless chimp like most others I run into,but that may not go as planned,isn’t that half the fun though? To not know if a plan is going to be successful,which makes you have to come up with something better?

What do you think?

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My bf thinks I might be a lesbian and I think he might be right