My bf thinks I might be a lesbian and I think he might be right

I’ve been with my bf two and a half years, I have a tendency to just go along with things to please other people but he recently told me he thought I might be a lesbian or at least bi leaning towards women. The more I think about it the more likely it seems, I don’t know what to do about it. Do I break it off or just wait and see? The relationship has been more of a very good friendship with little romantic involvement for around a year now, should I just bite the bullet and get it over with? Wait and see if I’m wrong?
I really don’t want to hurt him he’s one of my best friends, we’ve known each other since 13 and I would really hate to loose him. I have a lot of trouble confronting people, any advice for bringing this up without really hurting him?
This has conflicted me for months and it’s really starting to affect my mental health, I just don’t know what to do anymore.

What do you think?

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