My older girlfriend

I was about thirteen and my girlfriend lived with her single Mom. My girlfriend was nice but underdeveloped. We just stuck to kissing and hugging. I would go to their house when the chores were done. One day I was alone with her mother while her daughter was busy doing something. She came out with panties and bra and did not see me at first. She turned me on and I got a hard dick. She noticed and came and sat on my lap. pretty soon her panties a bra were on the floor. I was naked too on on top of her. We did it for about and hour because it felt so good. Plus I kept cumming in her. We finished and just watched TV until her daughter came home. When I got up to leave she whispered in my ear that she wanted me an hour before her daughter came home the next day. We did it for about six month’s about five times a week. It turned into 7 days a week some in the barn. She told me she was having morning sickness.I went and continued but the next day she had moved out. About five month’s later I got a letter from somewhere that said Mom and daughter are doing fine.Love, No return address.

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