Negative Comments About My Weight

Personally, I have heard them all. Even though I work out 4 days a week to maintain my health God designed me to be cute and chubby for endurance. 😉 People like to say things like; ” You have such a pretty face,” or “If only you would lose xyz pounds,” or ” it’s her diet.” First of all my grandpa was 6ft 7″, his daughter, my aunt is 6ft of thickness like a strong tree, she is also good with guns since being raised by a Navy fuel gunner. Even though my father married a petite woman, his 6ft, 5 frame won the genetics lottery but my sister and I both did not inherit the height or the long legs but we are healthy, attractive women and for this I am grateful. The other piece is I was raped at age 10 and again at 16. Something happened subconsciously because my body began to put on weight like a cute seal and no matter what I eat, I think it was to deter the opposite sex from finding me attractive. Hence, no desire, no sexual assault. Black men love my thickness, white men not so much. Chubby works like a charm because although I am a pretty women, it keeps all the shallow and lusty bitches away from me with their shady behind the back commentary. Over time I developed my self esteem to the point it does not phase me. I was raised by a petite mom who is a foodie with a healthy appetite and relationship to food. No shame in a good meal, with food friends. The irony of this is that I keep attracting these anorexic and bulemic women, I think because they are the opposite of me with their ” bone broth for breakfast,” or protein shake, weight loss pill poppin selves…lol.. Sweet Jesus there is nothing worse than a ‘hungry woman,’ much less a half starved, malbourished, I see your color bones/ribs/backbone skinny, underfed woman, whom will be bitchy and mean beyond belief. You better tie her down like a veal Cafe and force feed her before you face the ‘Hangry Demon,’ when that blood sugar drops. You better run to get some that powdered brown broth crap will not satisfy or tame the beast. Tastes disgusting compared to the juice from a chicken slow cooked in a crock pot for four hours. Powdering a natural liquid, get the hell out of is better. We keep it real and are joyful with our food and in life. None of this mean malnourished girl shit with body image skeletor issues. So what your man can’t pick you up like a plastic sex doll, just sit on his damn face and shut him the f up the next time he talks about you having a few extra pounds. Men, women’s hormones change with age. Mine did which is the added weight factor. Girl, you are beautiful.

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My Mistake