You weren’t kidding when you said you wouldn’t chase me if I walked out the door. I thought you would. I hoped you would. We kept fighting about the fact that you just didn’t seem to care anymore about me, yet you kept telling me that you did. You were just tired. Work, work, work. That’s all you ever did. You were just tired.
You said you loved me. You said you’d take care of me. You promised me. You promised my mom, more importantly. Everyone knew about us. I wore the badge of “D***d’s Soon-to-be-wife” like a badge of honor that was bestowed upon me by royalty. I screamed your name from the rooftops, hoping heaven would know of you and bless us.
Why then, was it so hard for you to even just check up on me when I walked out? Text me. Or my family. Or anyone. Ask about me. Chase me. Show me you care, you said you did. I always thought cheating was the worst thing in a relationship, kudos to my dad, but I would rather you cheated on me and pretended to love me than to let my heart die slowly like that. I chased after your fleeting love for so long and now I feel so old.
What was the point of all of that? Couldn’t you have just told me? Why’d you lie? I wouldn’t have gotten mad if you just told me. When did you stop caring about me? When did we go wrong? All I know is that I never stopped loving you, so why did you change? Everyone thought we were it. We were going to get married.
Now every time anyone asks me about you, I just smile. I tell them you’ve been busy, as you’ve told me so many times before. They don’t know you stopped caring a long time ago.
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!