porn booth

I was 17 when I first went into an adult book store. They had 4 booths where you can put a token in a slot and the 8mm projector would begin to play a hardcore porn movie. I would go there to watch porn, jack off then leave. One day I was high on pot and went into a booth and as older man pushed his way into my booth. He asked if we can share a movie. We both had our cocks out and he went down on his knees and took me into his mouth. It didn’t take long and I ejaculated into his mouth and he swallowed my cum. I felt so guilty I went to a massage parlor to make sure I wasn’t gay. I told myself that would never happen again. I continued to go to the arcade to jerk off and it happened one more time, I was high on coke, and this guy tried to kiss me afterwards. I quit going to arcades. 40 some years later I wasnt feeling good about myself and went into an arcade and some old guy sucked me off without a word spoken between us. I was sober, it felt good and it was also sad. I learned I like the anonymity of the sex because I was empty of any contact with God. Kinda like Adam and Eve hiding naked in the bushes.

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