Purging addiction

I remember for about a year or so I got so addicted to purging. Anything I would eat I would purge, anything I would drink(that was not water or tea) I would purge. It got so bad that I couldn’t even purge for a week and it had happened several times. That was probably one of the worst week of my life because I had panic attacks nearly ever day, several times.

What do you think?

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  1. I don’t if this will help but I discovered gluten changes my personality and the reaction lasts 3-5 days. It’s horrid. If I get a whiff of chemicals this also changes me and I act crazy and at times suicidal. I don’t drink alcohol, smoke, eat processed foods or ingest gluten of any kind…wheat being the worst …but even oatmeal, rye, etc affect me. Popcorn also gets me but there is no gluten. Once I found out why I acted crazy I was able to avoid gluten and if I don’t smell any chemicals such as pesticides, febreeze, cheaper perfume, bleach etc I am a happy balanced person. Two days ago I used an oil based spray paint and I’ve been out of it since then. Maybe you also have allergies or sensitivities? Hope this helps. 🥰

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