Raped, afraid to tell husband.

About in late November ago I had gone out to do some Christmas shopping at local mall. I was carrying my purchases back to the car in the parking garage and I got distracted as I was putting the gifts in the trunk.
Suddenly there was a hand over my mouth and some guy whispered in my ear “don’t scream or I’ll kill you” He opened the back door of my car and pushed me face down on the seat, He pulled my leggings and underwear off, he kept telling me if I make a noise he would kill me.
I then felt him penetrate me vaginally, the rape lasted only about a minute, he kept saying nasty things in my ear asking me if I liked it and calling me a “rich white whore”, I finally felt him ejaculate inside me.
He grabbed my purse pulled out my wallet and stuck my driver’s license in front of my face on my face. He told me “I know where you live if you go to the cops I’ll kill your whole fucking family”.
He then instructed me not to get up for 5 minutes I heard him run off but I waited for fear he would come back. I found my leggings but couldn’t find my underwear I put them back on got in the car and started crying. I got home before my husband and quickly jumped in the shower. Afraid he might make do on his threat I decided not to tell my husband anything. I felt it was better than I just deal with us and move on.
However the other day I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive, My husband and I have been trying for a baby and and we had sex several times in the days leading up to my attack, However I can’t guarantee 100% sure that I’m not carrying my rapist’s baby.
Do I tell my husband what happened? Or do I wait and have the baby and hope for the best?
Judging by my attacker’s accent I’m almost positive he was black that would definitely not be a surprise I would want my husband to discover in the hospital.

What do you think?

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Dayne’s Hot Lips

pray for your time to come!!! the stupid things you have done!