Re: Marbles Youtuber

hello, internet stranger who i don’t know. fancy meeting you here. this is a response to another confession posted here. i actually implore you to stick around and read the words i spent time typing. not because i think they’re good words, but they’re important words; important words about how raincandy is an extremely dangerous person and should not be interacted with if you value your mental health. I am not making this to be malicious, just to inform.


so for context, i met raincandy in august of 2022. we begin to talk frequently around this time as we seem to have a lot of similar interests! she has a thing to be a downer and she never seemed to once take my advice but for the most part talking with her was a pretty ideal friendship all things considered. around the end of january or start of february of 2023 is when i notice things starting to get… weird. i will not be detailing rain’s exact issues here out of what little respect i still have for her. i suggest talking to a professional who can give her better advice and she does not do this for actual months and instead goes in depth about her issues. it takes her nearly a year to get any sort of therapy for the record.

at some point in july 2023 she stops telling me all her mental health issues which i very much appreciated. this only lasts for about 3 months as in october for sure she’s back to it and begging me to fix all her issues. in early fall 2023 is when things get… really weird. cue me chilling one night when i get it dropped on me that rain is in love with me. to which that’s fine and all, but what is not fine is me saying i do not feel the same way so she continues to bombard me with love declarations in the slim hopes i say yes and date her over the next few months. even when i had expressed my discomfort with the flowery declarations, she would not stop. this caused a ton of guilt, and it’s still something i feel terrible about.

rain for as long as i’ve known her was a fan of a youtuber, (who it just feels wrong to name atp) and later had told me she had been personally invited to join the private discord server for the youtuber i was in. then she abused this to freely talk about how much she hated the same server, and particularly me. She ultimately got banned which is somehow my fault.

february-march 2024 was the last straw for me. she had been banned from the prior server i mentioned for calling the entire community she claimed to love “complacent in abuse” and called us all “awful people” for wanting to enjoy something. so instead of looking inwards and realizing what she’s done wrong, she rejoins under an alternate account for the purposes of lying to everyone so she can get close to the server again… especially me. she essentially used this account to stalk me, even to the point where she was interacting normally with me on that account while on her main account she was relentlessly bullying me and tearing me down for wanting to enjoy things that make me happy. she only mentioned she felt bad for me when i admitted i cried because of her actions, implying she never felt bad for her words and actions and treatment of me (which she later admitted to a third party), and being lied to so blatantly was it. after this i completely cut rain off.

What do you think?

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She caught me again

The Determination