
I am in my mid thirties, with a job and no prospects. My company was sold to some out of town assholes and I’m sitting here expecting to be laid off, I’m hoping for a package. I got drunk the other night at this ‘watering hole’ that I’ve gone to with friends. I was alone and I sat at the bar and had one too many.

A man talked to me and he suggested we move to a table. Close in he put his hand on my thigh and leaned close to me. I saw in his eyes and he kissed me on the mouth, and grabbed my crotch. I went with him, we went to his place, a small apartment. I faced the window looking out on the night sky while he fucked me. I sucked his cock later to clean him.

I’m not proud of that, I have tried desperately to get away from any of that. It leads to nothing but disappointment. I don’t know why I go along with it. There is nothing redeeming about it. A couple of hours of being important, but then tossed out, like any other queer faggot on the street.

What do you think?

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I’m ready but scared
