Stands at the door fully naked

So I walk home from the bus stop and I pass this one house. The boy who lives there stands at the door fully naked. I pretend not to notice and I just casually walk by. But it is obvious to see as I approach the house that he is there in the doorway and he is totally nude.

I also notice that lots of times he is erect. Sometimes he rubs his erection as I walk by. The door is about 40 ft. from the public sidewalks where I walk. I’m not sure about my feelings on this. He’s not a threat and I don’t feel threatened. But I really don’t like it and I think he should be punished. He knows the time I pass by his house so he has planned this display. I wonder if he is disappointed that I don’t react. I wonder what he expects I should do?

Sometimes I’d like to tell him how disrespectful he is. Other times I’d like to tell him how silly he is. He must be between 10 and 12. Maybe he likes me. Maybe he is just a pervert. Maybe he thinks he has something special for me to see. Maybe this is the thrill for his day.

He really needs to learn to be respectful. He needs to be under control. Sometimes I think he should be gelded. I’d like to see him get the belt or paddle across his bare bottom.

I’m not sure why boys expose themselves. Indecent exposure. Maybe someone can explain it to me and why they do it. Is it to frighten me? Is it supposed to enthrall me? It’s just another one of life’s shows.

What do you think?

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its a wingwom for a gooses braidal

My room-mate is so feminist and anti-male