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    Bad things happen in the rain

    I used to go for long walks in the rain at night. There’s a reason films have anything interesting or dramatic happen in the dark, cold rain. It’s beautiful. Of course, bad things can happen at any time. During one walk, I saw a man roughing up someone who, at the time, looked like a […] More

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    30 year anniversary of a horrible day and time

    There was a kid I knew since I was little. As we grew older he became more of a dick than ever. Insecurity and low self esteem but I didn’t know it completely at the time. I knew he was over compensating for something and was just a jerk. Sophomore year he invited all of […] More

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    Sometimes they come back but as one

    I could destroy you and all of your loser friends from yesteryear if I wanted to. I do not. I will, however, remind you of past misdeeds. I will get under your skin and make you uncomfortable. I will make you cry by merely staring at you as you did to me everyday for over […] More