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    No one ever wants to help me

    When I started writing my fantasy epoch, all my friends wanted to read it and help me out. Now that I am actually finished, I’m so proud of myself….or at least…I want to be. No one wants to help me anymore, even though I have done nothing but be kind and help my friends with […] More

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    I Was On The Wrong End of a One Way Friendship…

    So today I had to go into a place that terminated me the previous week to pick up an item that I had forgotten and left behind. I saw one of my now former bosses and we talked about things and where I was interviewing (I’m pleased to say I have a really promising lead […] More

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    so, I messaged her and within a week I was heading to her apartment. When I got there, sweet little Rafique was immediately aggressive and told me to take my clothes off. She proceeded to peg me which rocked my world! I’ve been going there getting spanked, tied up and pegged at least once a […] More

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    Took My Shot

    I think it takes a lot of courage to pursue someone like you. Much less to confess your feelings knowing there is a 99% chance you will be rejected due to all the competition. Took my shot and was unsuccessful. Won’t ever regret trying and will always appreciate your talent but will be deleting all […] More

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    Married Man = Platonic Friends

    The married man & I only speak when he is on active duty. We have never left the strip center he works at, or been alone.We have brunch once every 6 weeks and he vents about his miserable marriage, his wife and 3 times he has wanted to abandon his marriage or kill himself to […] More