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    Thank You

    …for awakening my heart chakra. We shared a moment of joy together. Not going to chase you or feed your ego, I deserve someone who understands what it takes to grow and maintain a long term healthy friendship & relationship. Fact is you have been single forever and too set in your stubborn ways to […] More

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    I was born the week of Valentine’s and am a lightworker for Cupid. Come here, lean in and listen closely. If I manifested you to travel 1,547 miles across the country to physically come visit me by (miraculously) working for my associate in which the odds were incredibly rare without ever asking, what else do […] More

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    Crush Contact

    I find humor in the fact that only when I am trying to get over you and let go of the reality of your extremely experienced royal blonde hotness and the impossiblity of the bisexual bicoastal distance between us that you contact me. Why now? Is it some kind of trick? Uncertain about how I […] More

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    Getting Over You

    The fantasy of kissing those juicy lips of yours gives me hope but I am doing my best to let the desire go. You did quiet the number on me, but this is the first time I have not pursued someone who activates my heart chakra like you do. Just allowing myself to appreciate the […] More

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    Confessionals Gone Viral

    1-Actually your words won’t haunt anyone in the abyss of anonymous confessions. You would have done anything for xyz cause you worshipped them but don’t have the decency to communicate with them directly to create resolutions to have a healthy relationship? How childish. You prefer ignoring someone instead of talking to them is actually psychologically […] More

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    Mental Health

    Do you have a PhD in Psychiatry or Psychology? Your perceptions about others mental health is not the truth. Your life experiences are seen through your own filters. Some are clear, some are muddied by trauma. So what someone vents in a safe space. You can suspend judgement, perhaps learn something from others, change and […] More

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    Love Spells

    Your Puerto Rican friend connected to your best friend and her flying monkeys lied to you about me to keep us apart out of jealousy. She has kept her bisexuality a secret for a long time, as well as they fact she had the hots for me for years. So much so, when her place […] More

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    Love Spells

    Your Puerto Rican friend connected to your best friend and her flying monleys lied to you about me to keep us apart out of jealousy. She has kept her bisexuality a secret for a long time, as well as they fact she had the hots for me for years. So much so, when her place […] More

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    Pushing 60?

    I was told by a wealthy man named James once, the builder of many famous restraunts, including the Mariposa…that “he learned after marrying multiple women across different states and countries, he not only appreciated the variety of their beauty, personailities, love making abilities and buying them each homes that he would visit from time to […] More

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    Blue Trench Coat

    The first time I dreamed you were wearing a beautiful blue tailored trench coat, the style was a very elegant Lloyd’s of London. You were hugging me from behind, although I was walking away from you. You clenched onto me for dear life, then you slid into a booth in front of me, and began […] More

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    Forever Grieving & Loving A Dead Fiance

    When my fiance died, I was 26. We had been best friends since age 10 and did not start dating until I was 20 and in college. Considering how abusive my stepfather and mothers marriage was, my fiance always consistently made me feel safe and was very much a shelter in the storm. Reliable and […] More

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    Secret admirer Letter advice?

    I’m looking for feedback on the letter I’ve written to my crush. Please provide feedback. I remember the first time I saw you. It was from a distance. The long dark hair, seductive legs, perfect fingers draped at your sides. Only to approach and be introduced to not only you but that brilliant smile and […] More

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