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    Disappointed marriage

    I wish I had married a man that wasn’t a constant disappointment. I feel like I can’t rely on him in life. He supports me emotionally and in a few other ways, but it’s just not enough. I don’t know what to do as I feel like my life is just stuck in the dirt […] More

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    I tell him its ok, so he wont leave

    My husband has always had female friends. When we got together, he told me he doesn’t date fat girls, him being overweight himself. Now 13 years later, I let him be with other woman 3 to be exact. I’ve gained more weight, I just don’t feel attractive. Aside from that some nasty things he has […] More

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    Letter to my Wife

    This is getting untenable. Don’t think I can be your husband for another 20 years. Want to be your friend but don’t think I can be the husband you want. Here’s why… YOU DON’T RESPECT ME… – Always overtalking me – Loud when I’m trying to sleep – Correcting me with attitude – Talking when […] More

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    5 Million Broken Promises

    No one will tell you to your face that you are an idiot for getting married again when your disloyal ass has a earthquake of failed relationships in the wake trailing behind you. Bitch you need therapy to overcome your issues, plain and simple. Yeah, you believe in the fairytale of love but act like […] More

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    Your definitely good at the “forsaking all others,” part. You were ignoring and abandoning your real friends just to commit to a selfish man who did not raise or see his own daughter for 8 years! He licked his baby Mama’s pussy too honey and then abandoned her and his own newborn for 96 months. […] More