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    Posted a fake post about a manipulative b*tch

    Last year a girl I helped with some medical issues screwed me over when I realized she was more manipulative than I thought. She became semi-sociopathic in her actions towards me, so I put up a picture of her online as a chronic cheater. Essentially, I destroyed her. I somewhat feel bad because I’d never […] More

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    My girlfriend aborted my child

    I am 36 and gay but during high school I had a girlfriend for appearances. She told me last month that during our relationship she became pregnant with my child. And she discreetly had an abortion. Only her mother was aware and aided the whole deal. I’m seething with anger that she murdered my child. […] More

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    Sometimes they come back but as one

    I could destroy you and all of your loser friends from yesteryear if I wanted to. I do not. I will, however, remind you of past misdeeds. I will get under your skin and make you uncomfortable. I will make you cry by merely staring at you as you did to me everyday for over […] More

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    living for a sweet revenge

    I so want to win a big money prize or inheritance as soon as I can and I really just want to live a luxury life and people regretting hurting me and not choosing me, especially when I am thin, healthy and got my successful business and career and graduation done asap. It would make […] More