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    Black mail

    I loved the old days. I would go pickup my girlfriend and her mother would walk by. She would remind me to save some for her. Their children sure looked like my family. More

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    Love in a 3 month friendship

    I’ve realized I love a girl I’ve only known personally for three months. The more we talk or go for drives, the better I feel. When she’s buy around or hiring elsewhere I’m in pieces and trying to find ways to helps without scaring her because simple things make her flip out. I knew her […] More

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    Can’t climax unless I think of my ex

    I’m still in love with my ex boyfriend of many years ago. I pretend I’m fine but I’m not. I think about the passion, his voice, his sense of humor and his body often. Sometimes when I’m having sex, I need thoughts of him in order to climax. It’s hard enough not to moan his […] More