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    i, (minor) F, i am confused about romance.

    Hello, I am Female, and a minor. I am “openly” bisexual, as in, I’ve told my mom and if someone asks I say it. The thing is, I know about intimate things, such as kissing, sex, all that.. But it has never really interested me, with myself, sure it feels okay, but I have never […] More

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    I’m too sexy

    I’m a very sexy man. Look like a movie star. Super hero body. Great dancer. Giant manhood. Can make love for many hours. I used to date a singer. She used my words; how I talk; how I sing; even songs I wrote, in many of her songs. Oh you’ve heard them. One song is […] More

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    Ever wonder

    Just how many adult families, including cousins, aunts,uncles etc, are having consensual sex? Only asking this out loud after reading quite a few of these “confessions”. I’m not talking about the typical back woods white trash in the mountains either. I’m talking real deal attractive adults that are banging family members whether being discreet or […] More

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    I’m way too sexually fruatrated for this shit.

    I cannot go a day without thinking about sex. I will be in the most random situations and it will just pop into my head. I cannot focus on my real life sometimes cause sex pops into my head. It’s terrible cause my ex bf of 2 years broke up with me a month ago. […] More