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    Best Friend’s Mother

    I lost my virginity to my best friend’s mother. She is very good looking. She told me her second husband was not getting her pregnant. She figured he had a low sperm count. Because I looked like I could be his son she said her second husband would not know. I actually had a secret […] More

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    Wife’s Best Friend

    My wife’s friend got divorced by her ex-husband 10 years ago. She wanted kids and he said no. She weighs 180 pounds and has 44 inch hips. My wife is boss. So she got me to get her friend pregnant. My wife and I have 6 kids so far. Her friend and I have 6 […] More

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    Wife’s Best Friend

    I have been having an affair with my wife’s best friend for years. When she was getting when she was 8 months pregnant with my baby. Her husband and my wife don’t know. I and she know for sure 3 of the kids she had are mine. It is so exciting for both of us […] More