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    Greedy, self involved ungrateful fraud of a friend

    I helped a girl who I thought was my friend doing something I’d never done before but she was an intense, emotional pain and none of her doctors would help her, so I did for over 3 months. I always said I’d help her when I was able as I’m on the same pills also […] More

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    30 year anniversary of a horrible day and time

    There was a kid I knew since I was little. As we grew older he became more of a dick than ever. Insecurity and low self esteem but I didn’t know it completely at the time. I knew he was over compensating for something and was just a jerk. Sophomore year he invited all of […] More

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    life plans and fantasizing

    I make up elaborate life plans so no one worries about me. When I say I want to study abroad, majoring in psychology, and then come back and do mental health studies/research, mostly focusing on cognitive theory…it’s total bullshit. Yes, I love learning about cognitive theory and psychology, yes I want to go to another […] More

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    I’m trying to hard

    Ive been dealing with some mental health issues, depression. The urge to kill myself is so strong, I’m constantly fighting it, but I feel lost in despair. I know I’m a burden on my family, and need to remove myself yet I’m being a coward. I want to scream, I want to cry, I want […] More