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    Wife can’t say no

    My wife will not say no to men. She has dad many men over the last 5 years sleeping with anyone who wants to have her in bed. She thinks this is a big turn on and enjoys being had by so many men. I don’t know if i should tell her to go or […] More

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    Want to share my wife

    We are considered elderly, in our 60’s my wife is still quite attractive and sexy, many times out shopping young men as well as men our age flirt with her a few have imolied they would love to take her out for a good time this one kid she said told her he was 18 […] More

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    i became uninhibited

    I was helping as a part time at a law firm. The day came when I was asked by my boss to attend a conference downtown, Since the days were long and the morning were early the firm reserved a block of rooms at a hotel nearby, hu husband was supportive of me attending, he […] More