That’s just my wishful thinking though..

I’m severely in love with my coworker/friend. When we first met I was not attracted or interested but the more time we spent together and got to know each other more, something just clicked one day. Ever since that day I have done nothing but think about him every waking moment. It saddens me because he has girlfriend and a new child, though he has expressed he is unhappy. I’ve done my best to be a supportive friend and just let him know everything is going to be fine but I feel guilty because part of me doesn’t want for things to work out with his girlfriend. Everytime I find a way to not think about him, he reaches out so it’s like there’s no escaping. I want to tell him how I feel but I don’t want to lose the friend I have in him, even though it would be better for me mentally and emotionally if he wasn’t in my life. At first I thought it was just a physical, but I’m Asexual so that doesn’t really track plus he’s not physically anything like other people I have had attraction too. This has gone on too long and I feel a bit better now that I’ve said this. in all I wish that he would just end his relationship so we can spend time together and see where things go.

What do you think?

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I have a sexual emotional attachment to party balloons in my bedroom

it was like midnight and he snuck me bit coiner