“The Grass Is Always Greener…”

Lately I’ve been seeing way too many guys complaining about their relationships, the women they’re with. They go hemming and hawing about how cool and nice it would be to be single with no obligations to others. Guess what? I live it– it sucks. You wake up alone. The apartment is quiet the whole time. You go to sleep (sometimes not even on the bed) alone. No one to talk to, unless you’re constantly pestering friends or family (IF you have any to talk to). Work is a tome waster that earns you just enough for rent and a pizza. “Hobbies” aren’t fulfilling like they lie about. Hell, I’ve seen what most other men consider a “hobby”. Yankin’ it and scrolling thru social media aren’t hobbies. Never have been, never will. And anything of substance is barely better. It doesn’t matter how much I work on, how many hikes I go on, how many hours I work. It’s not *for* anyone. It doesn’t do anything but occupy me. I could sit and stare at a wall and be just as well off. So SHUT UP about how your girl is worthless or whatever. You’re lucky. Zip it. Man up and make it work. It is objectively better than the alternative.

What do you think?

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Feather. …..Again.

I can’t stand my dad at all