The Nurse Put Me In Restraints. Part Four.

The Nurse Put Me In Restraints. Part Four.

I wonder how many people have seen the photos. How many will see me strapped down with my cock and balls exposed. What they will think of me with my purple cock impaled and pierced, bled and tormented.. Will they laugh. Will they cheer? Will they wish they had been there? Will they agree with the nurse that I deserved it? Will the praise the nurse? Will they say the med tech should have taken more blood?

Will they agree with the nurse that it is the natural location to draw blood on all males? Will they want it to be standard practice to routinely draw blood from the shaft and scrotum? Would they make me have it done again?

Will other nurses learn that this is the way to handle and control a combative patient? Will they strap me down again when I go in the hospital?

I have dreams of me begging the CNA to catheterize me so I don’t pee all over the place when they insert the needle in my cock to take blood. She makes me beg her to be her very first catheterized cock. She pins the number 1 on my shaft. She pins it on my shaft with a safety pin and I see the blood ooze out where the pin is through my shaft. She makes me chant, “I’m number one. I’m number one.” She makes me congratulate and thank her while everyone looks on. I feel so humiliated.

I dream the med tech tells me that my cock and balls are ideally situated mid-line to distribute medication to vital areas. She has me strapped down in restraints which she tightens as she tells me she is going to puncture my cock and drain it dry. She examines my cock and balls and squeezes my balls. Nurses and CNA’s laugh at me as my cock burns from the large catheter and I beg to have it taken out. I beg and beg, but the nurse says I’m going to take it all.

The nurse was correct about a number of things. I should have never argued with her. The catheter was put all the way in. I took it all, like she said I would. My cock and balls were easily accessed and are a natural location to draw blood. It was an experience I will never forget. I brought it on myself by arguing. I deserved it and needed to learn my place.

She told me that she marked my file as a combative and belligerent patient so they will know. She said she will put me in restraints again as she has unfinished business with me. I dream of her and her CNA and what they do to me.

I saw the nurse and her CNA at a check up and she reminded me that I’d be back in the hospital soon for another stay. She told me she has the restraints waiting for me. She called the med tech and told her I was in the clinic for a follow up. The med tech showed up, pulled the curtain back and walked in. She smiled and asked, “Are you ready to give me another blood sample?” I meekly said, “Yes ma’am.” She said “You know where I’m going to take it from, don’t you?” I simply answered, “Yes ma’am.” I could feel my cock start to stiffen.

She said, “It should be standard procedure don’t you agree?” I said, “Yes ma’am it should be routine procedure.” She said it was good to see I had a more cooperative attitude this time.

Then she said, “Let’s see how it healed up.” She told me to lay back as she lifted my gown and examined my shaft and balls. My cock was already half erect as she pulled up my gown. She asked, “Is this thing always so puffy an swollen?” I said not always. She said, “Oh so it’s happy to see me then?” I said, “Yes ma’am it’s very happy to see you.”

“Yes, that’s obvious.” she said. She added, “Well that’s good. That’s the way I like it. It makes my job much easier. Easier to find a nice vein and easier to get good blood flow.” She said, “I’ll see you in the hospital soon.” She smiled as she turned and walked away.

The nurse and her CNA stepped in and took the opportunity to examine my cock and balls. The CNA held my cock by the foreskin pinched between her fingers. I felt the pan of her sharp nails. She didn’t bother with gloves. She tugged and jiggled my shaft as she ran her hand over my ball sac. She said she’d see me in the hospital too and then we’d take care of those things she had discussed with me.

I have to go back to the hospital in two weeks.

Thank you for reading my confession.

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i want to whip a nigger

The Nurse Put Me In Restraints. Part THREE.