The summer I turned gay

In my teen years I was a loner. I had learned to drive and I ran any errand my parents wanted. One such night, I took a drive through a neighborhood and a car was parked away from the light. I went by slowly and I swear I saw two men kissing. I went around, this time the men were sitting apart. They both looked at me when I went by. That night I had a wet dream about, imagining kissing like that in car. It was my first overt feeling about kissing with a man. I wore my dick out masturbating.

I was working summers at this family owned feed store. I was labor, stacking inventory, loading pickups. I was strong, but lean. One man that worked there was part time, a drifter working for money to move on. He cornered me in the back of the warehouse and grabbed my dick with his hand and kissed me until I let him kiss me on the mouth. He got my dick out and gave me a blowjob and I held his hard dick in my hand. That night I masturbated until I just couldn’t do it one more time.

I was scared of him, but once he cornered me I let him kiss me and grab my dick in his hand. I had my pants open, and he pushed them down to my knees and I hung onto these sacks of feed while he fucked me. When he released me I realized I had cum into the sack, the wet spot was there as evidence to both of us. He kissed me again before helping my hide that sack lower in the stack.

My wet dreams had come true, but I had a lot of regret and feeling bad. I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted to grab his dick, I wanted to suck his dick, I wanted him to fuck me. Wanted, desire, I bent over and lowered my pants for his dick. Summer was over and I couldn’t work because of school and other extracurricular activities. He moved on, to some other job, to some other kid to fuck.

I’ve been in a several relationships, some longer than others. But the one that sticks to my mind, is that summer, in the hot warehouse. I can get hard, bend over, want a dick in my ass. All I have to do is think about that summer.

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