to asian non masturbator old woman who saved so many lives

made me laugh about linda tinder ruthless runt boss! its odd how you save lives but then need someone else to save yours if I am so dumb. and you say you don’t care what people think of you. and you hate masturbating people but heaps of couples do it , not just deviants. you suggesting people want to fuck themselves over a cancer old bag like you or a kid is your sickness so stop projecting shit on to others and then you hold up a photo of a child and that makes you a pedo. don’t you have a thought for the childs safety? like I bet you did do porn and you say you can’t remember. bull shit. I was raped after given drugs and even I have some vague memories. you did do porn. you just lie. like chinks do. not that anyone would care about it and it will blow over like you will ! good bye lazy asshole nut job faker.

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Parents are garbage

I hope this captilatates you tittles