To Tell You or Not To Tell You

According to Kabbalah, basic principles of metaphysics, sound moves through all matter. When you sing, your human energy field lights up with love and gets stronger, also called the HEF in integrative medicine. Your powerful voice basically sends a radio signal into the stone I gave you and my dreams are like an antenna. Pieces of your music, lyrics and voice have been haunting my dreams and waking me from my sleep daily since we met. Which has never happened to me before for such a long period of time. Esp when I am trained to medically work with a volume of clients and drop any energetic residue. A psychic friend jokingly explained to me that, “your voice is zapping the crystal tuned to my energy due to doing healing work around it and I am sensitive to energy esp yours.” Although you and your talent are amazing it is a little hauntingly overwhelming. Luckily, I get other songs often posted to Twitter as #Dreamtumes. Today was Tell Her by Billy Joel. Dominoe by Jessie J, Fade Into You by Mazzy Star, the Closer I Get To You song, all genres and eras so I do get a break. Please wash the crystal under running water and put it in the window seal for a day in the moon/sun light to clear it. Also, always trust your intuition and keep me a secret beautiful. I was born on Valentines week and am a lightworker for Cupid. 😉 Thank you.

I would have DM you on Instagram but too many third parties. Only come here to vent on rare occasion.

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I’ve gone off black culture

you will be a grinch baddy for life.