Today ive been trying to give myself Covid

I have to go into work tomorrow as there is a big event going on, and im going to be doing a job which ive has been stressed and worried about for weeks, because of how fucking bad its gonna go. I tend to overthink and overworry things if given time beforehand so ive been trying to ignore it but today both my mum and dad have had positive lateral flow tests, meaning they might have covid. These are a bit unreliable so you have to get a further test but they involve putting a swab up your nose and on your tonsils. Well, i saw an opportunity to not have to do tomorrow so throughout the day ive been licking anything of my parents that their mouths have touched like knives and forks, glasses and cups, toothbrushes and i put their positive swabs from their test up my nose to try and give myself covid on tomorrow mornings test so i can ring my boss with an excuse.

About 20 mins ago i decided not to completely fake my test tomorrow morning using their positive swabs as i started thinking about what im gonna do and no matter how awful its gonna be tomorrow im just being a fucking stupid disgusting coward who wont face the things im afraid off, i always just hide and ignore my issues im so fucking worthless.

What do you think?

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  1. well, that’s too bad, the odds of you getting Covid are zero to none, this is just a great big imaginary pandemic, the people that got it, are or were already sick from something else. so you surviving the Covid are %92 percent, and the people that died from it, already died from something else which was not Covid.

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