I’m a sixty seven years young white male im actually straight but enjoy playing with the boys now and then

I’m trying to become sin free for the reasons tell you at the end of this confession

I was interduce to sex at the age of eight by my half niece while she was babysitting

She interduce me to her sister telling her try it

Each time one of the girls had to babysit I went with them servicing their sexual desires and sexual urges until I moved back to Colorado

Have learned no eight year old should know about sex less than having sex

I’m having problems stopping gay sex im wanting to get my brain fucked out one last time

I been divorced for twenty three year what was the last time for sex with females

At my age it’s hard to fine females so turning to male sex

My first male encounter was when I was a the military at the age of seventeen

We masterbate each other he also milked me a couple of times

After coming out of the Military I found a lot of pussy

One evening I went to have a massage by a male not knowing it’s a gay massage

He told me to strip and lay face down on the table

He turn on some new age music on

He spread my leg grabbed my cock then laid it out on the massage table

He started massaging my legs up to my twenty one year old bubble butt

He massaging my butt he kept touching my cock until I became rock hard by this time I was so freaking horny

He was also naked with a long soft cock

I grabbed his cock started masterbating him

He told me to lay on my back witch I did

He started oiling my stomach my cock standing straight up

He grabbed my cock and started sucking it I grabbed his cock masterbating his eight inch cock

I told him I was cumming he kept sucking then I blew my load of male seed deep into his throat still masterbating him

He spread his legs he started cumming blowing his load of male seed on the floor

This was my second male encounter

Couple of weeks I had another gay massage

This time it was on his bed naked he’s naked on top of me

He started oiling my legs working up to my bubble

He really oiled my ass as I felt his cock laying out between the cracks of my ass and started fucking my butt crack

I become instantly horny starting to move my butt with his cock

This went on for about five minutes he got up went into the bathroom

I heard the water running he say get in here. So I do seeing he full a bag with a hose connected to it

He said get in the bathtub I did I he sliding the tip in my ass

It was all the way in I felt water filings my ass

I told him I couldn’t hold it any longer he said quick get on the toilet

Just was I was setting on the toilet it shot out of my ass

He then said get back into the bathtub witch I did

He grabbed the shower hose turned on the water and started cleaning my ass

He then said follow me and I did back to his bed said lay on your back then started finger fucking me

I was so high on lust I could care less that he’s going do to me

He spread my legs grabbed his cock and started pushing his some what thick nine inches of hard cock in my ass as im screaming it hurts

He slowly started fucking me was im screaming it hurts

Maybe five minutes later it started feeling real good saying breed my tight virgin boy pussy

I felt his cock getting fat then felt him filling me up with his male seed

He got off me as his cum dropping out of my ass no longer a vigin boy

I started getting dressed and said that was one hack of a massage

He said the massage is free

Well this was my first ass fucking I ever had

The females wasn’t as starting to get thin

I went to a gay bathhouse and had some sexual fun in the steam room

Okay from that point on I would have gay sex now and then

At my age it’s hard to fine females so turned back to play with the boys instead

masterbating isn’t working anymore found a couple of free gay sex dating

The bottoms all want my cock

I’m have a issues stopping having sex

Okay back why im trying to become sin free

I’m sin free except for lust It’s so hard to let of sex

im trying to fine a laid-back male top with a nice cock to fuck my brains out so I can let lust go once in for all

I believe the time is here and Trump is Satan he’s the king of lies big bully witch he was a bully in school he would give teachers a black eye who else but Satan

If you don’t believe me Google is Trump Satan you’ll be surprised

Every sign is here only getting worse by the day

Hunger earthquakes war and environmental with two churches in Asia

Which the pope is there in Asia as im confessing this

War In Israel witch Jesus is the King Of Israel he’s coming to stop the war in his kingdom

Believe what you want but open your eyes and see what is in front of you

It’s time to start communicating with the two men upstairs

You want to go to heaven or burn in hell for ever its your choice im going to heaven

What do you think?

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Always bored

I want to be a girl