Which Job To Take?

Dilemma, dilemma… This is both the kind of problem I’m thankful to have and that which I wish I didn’t. I should’ve let this one phone call go to voicemail…

Until recently I was gainfully employed. I worked for a hotel, in the accounting department, and seemed to be getting along even if I found the job to be less than what I was capable of. I might feel my brain wasting away but I had a good enough paycheck.

Well that all went to hell. I was, what I thought, personal friends with this girl at work. But turns out she wanted to be work friends. That nevermind she would call me about work, drifting into non-work talk, but when I’d call or text her I’d get no response. I pushed our friendship to be something she didn’t want and ultimately our boss had to get involved and ultimately also HR. I survived, somehow, but was effectively on probation. But when I got caught trying to sneak a pic of her I was done and dismissed and rightfully so. As you can imagine our friendship is dead.

My dilemma however is I have been searching for a new job for two weeks. Someone today made me an offer! But it isn’t my first choice. My first choice, what’s called a limited service hotel, I’ve had two interviews for the Front Office Manager position. They said they’d let me know on Friday but didn’t. It’s not what I’m used to coming from full service, but I’d be running the hotel, calling the shots and making actual decisions. Second only to the GM who’s been there only a few months.

The place that did call, the place that did offer, is a private hotel. Effectively a full service private hotel built and operated for the sole use by the employees of a major airline that has its HQ in the area. Nearly everything is paid for by the airline, employees pass through as new hires or for various certifications. It’s not like a traditional hotel that’s having to chase revenue – the next group or wedding or convention. Just not having to deal with kiddie sports groups is a plus in if itself.

It’s a good job, but it isn’t my first choice. I’d be a Supervisor, but not the FOM or AGM lite. I’m tempted to roll the dice and pass, but if my first choice in turn passes on me then I’m screwed. I’m thankful to have this problem, having an offer even if it isn’t my first choice considering to date I’ve sent out some twenty-five resumes in two weeks and have heard nill and been made only this one offer. But do I tempt fate? Do I risk it all? Do I pass and hold out for my first choice and hope they say yes before the deadline for the third choice to let them know? Just how disappointed will my family (parents, I’m single) be if I choose to risk it let alone lose?

What do you think?

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  1. So update by the original poster…

    My first choice of possible employment, I got an email and they passed on me. Maybe the other candidate, was told only myself and one other were being considered, was better? Maybe I didn’t do so well on the personality test they sent me via email link? Maybe they sawy Facebook postings where I’ve had some therapeutic but inkind things to say as of late (yet another mistake I know, I know…).

    My second choice, a hotel, I haven’t even had an interview with yet, let alone be hired. It’s very much a long shot. I spent two weeks doing two interviews, both seeming to go very well, and I still didn’t get the job at my first choice. Would I be foolish enough to roll the dice and pass on my third choice in some hope for my second choice?

    The third choice, that which has offered on me, is a good deal. It’s a fine employer. It’s a hotel management company that has a contract to run a private hotel on HQ campus of sajor airline for the private use of the airline employees. They’re willing to pay me only a dollar less than what I had been making. No chasing revenue, no chasing the next group and hoping you’ll make your numbers by month end.

    I’d be an idiot to not take the offer. But as these last few months have shown me, I can be the idiot of idiots…

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