Wishing the Pedestal would Crumble

Influencer used their platform to disrespect and condescend to me while no one came to my defense because they’d rather kiss the rear of some content creator than call them out for their toxicity. Even worse is they try to act like a paragon of virtue so they can act like they’re innocent and self-righteous. More times than not I wish I could confront them and knock them down more than a few pegs to the point they can barely move. It’s not a good feeling and not healthy but the fact that influencers with a lot of numbers on the net get to throw their weight around like a big name on campus with no consequences make me sick. Especially when their content is basically plagiarized nonsense that most likely would get them in actual trouble if they tried to legit produce it. I hate Them and wish them nothing but pain, even if it’s not from me. I’m not proud of myself but not amount of therapy has worked to put out this raging inferno inside.

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